Mid City Outreach

Saturdays - Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen 111 High Street Taunton, MA 02780

CCC Mid City is an outreach ministry held in central locations in the city of Taunton that strives to meet the needs of the community and spread the Gospel of Christ. 

We provide clothing, toiletries, blankets and other essentials on the last Saturday of every month. We also provide encouragement and prayer for each person. We provide Bibles, so that each person can find living hope through the Word of God. Mid City works in synergy with other Christ Community Church ministries and local agencies for the benefit of our community.

Short Term Global Missions

We view all ministry as missions, whether here or abroad. Every believer in Jesus Christ is called to be a message bearer. We are blessed with the privilege and opportunity to maintain long term ministry efforts in multiple countries.

Long Term Global Missions

Christ Community Church has developed strong relationships with many missionaries. We have missionaries serving in over 10 countries, including Tanzania, France, Burkina Faso, and many more.

We have reached outside our local church to glorify God by supporting missionaries, both physically and spiritually, all in the glory of God. We believe missions are intended to glorify the Triune God by fulfilling the Great Commission which is making disciples of all peoples.

We support our missionaries both physically and spiritually as they bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to the peoples of the world.

We share in this ministry by supporting missionaries financially, waging spiritual warfare through intercessory prayer, and meeting the urgency of the need in special projects and disaster relief.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 19 & 20

Join Us!

If you are interested in helping at these outreaches, please fill out a connect card or contact the church.

Email: christcommunity@cccfamily.com
Phone: 508-880-6202