No ticket is required. Our services are FREE and seating is available first come, first serve.
We suggest arriving 10-15 minutes before service. Especially if you have a large group that wants to sit together. That’s also when the coffee is fresh and hot!
Come as you are. There is no dress code! The atmosphere here at CCC is casual, warm and comfortable.
The online live-stream for the East Campus services will be on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24th at 3:00PM on Christ Community Church East Taunton’s Facebook, YouTube, and at
On Christmas Eve, at both the 3pm and 5pm services kids classes will be available for birth through Pre-K at East Campus. Classes for Kids 2 years old through Pre-K will be available at North Campus. The family room will be available at both East and North Campuses.
Learn more at
The service will last about 75 minutes.
Download an image below to your device.
Select a location below, East Campus or North Campus, then copy text.
Hey, want to come with me to a Christmas Eve service at Christ Community East Campus? They have a Christmas candlelight service and I would love for you to come with me!
Service times: December 24th @ 3pm & 5pm
Location: 41 Stevens Street, East Taunton, MA 02718
Hey, want to come with me to a Christmas Eve service at Christ Community North Campus? They have a Christmas candlelight service and I would love for you to come with me!
Service times: December 24th @ 3pm & 5pm
Location: 265 West Britannia Street, Taunton, MA 02780
Paste the image, use our written message above (or personalize the text for who you’re sharing it with) and share on social media, tag friends in a post, or message it to them directly!